10 Comic Plot Twists That Were Hiding In Plain Sight

1. The Corrupted Superheroes

Rorschach The End is Nigh
DC Comics

With DC's announcement of their new Year of the Villain event came some darkly exciting news - that six of their brightest and bravest heroes had been infected by the Batman Who Laughs, and that their corrupted forms would soon turn on the rest of the roster.

While this could have served to really invest fans in the various series involved in the event, the actual speculation period lasted roughly a week and a half - until someone noticed that Shazam, the first victim, had his face covered in a Year of the Villain promotional poster. While this seems like insignificant information, the poster had six heroes covering parts of their face - the six that would then go on to be revealed one by one as those corrupted.

This is one case that highlights the negatives of hiding plot twists in plain sight, as not only did this stifle interest by having the mystery solved months early, but it also ruined the issue of Batman/Superman that had only just been released - as the plot point of whether Superman had been infected was clearly a red herring due to the knowledge we already had.

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