10 Comic Plot Twists That Were Hiding In Plain Sight

2. Alberto Falcone Is Not The True Holiday Killer

Rorschach The End is Nigh
DC Comics

The case of the Holiday Killer in Batman: The Long Halloween is maybe the best example of how Batman can work well as a whodunnit detective story.

It's a weird one, though, because the truth - that Gilda Dent was the initial Holiday Killer, and that Alberto became a copycat killer because he liked the prestige the mystery murderer was getting - is told to us from the very beginning. During interrogation, Calender Man tells Batman that 'She'll be killing again... No one knows who she is and already he is making a name for himself. Or herself'.

While this seems like the criminal toying with the detective, he's actually explicitly telling Batman that there are two killers - just in a confusing way that doesn't make this information apparent until later in the comic, where his cryptic clues seem all too obvious to us in retrospect.


I like my comics like I like my coffee - in huge, unquestionably unhealthy doses.