10 Comic Plot Twists That Were Hiding In Plain Sight

4. Xorn Is Magneto

Rorschach The End is Nigh
Marvel Comics

The fact that Magneto explicitly calls out how obvious him disguising as Xorn was within the New X-Men it is particularly telling as to how heavily this twist was hinted at - with Erik mockingly telling Charles, "A man in an iron prison. A star for a brain - I kept thinking it was too obvious... you still missed it."

But anyone who kept an eye on Xorn may have picked up on the trail of breadcrumbs left for us before his big unveiling. For example, Xorn's 'healing powers' are strongly suggested to be him using the nano-Sentinels the X-Men become infected with during New X-Men #123 - with the villain using his power over metal to reverse the Sentinels programming, and have them heal the X-Men instead.

While this plot twist would be re-retconned - with Xorn instead having only pretended to be Magneto - this initial twist is still so brilliant because it's literally held right in front of our noses the whole time.


I like my comics like I like my coffee - in huge, unquestionably unhealthy doses.