10 Comic Plot Twists That Were Hiding In Plain Sight

5. Batman Is Still Infected By The Batman Who Laughs

Rorschach The End is Nigh
DC Comics

The entire premise of the Batman Who Laughs comic revolves around whether our heroic Batman will succumb to the Joker blood in his veins and become the Batman Who Laughs, or if he can overcome this poison to stay the hero the world needs.

With this in mind, the ending initially appears to leave whether Bruce has been cured open for debate, as the only evidence he is still struggling with these blood toxins are occasional red letters within his speech bubbles.

But anyone who keeps tabs on these red letters within the final pages of the comic will uncover a secret message within them; an unambiguous 'RIGHT HERE STILL HAHA'.

This leaves us in an interesting scenario where half the readers technically have huge spoilers for the follow up to the 2018-2019 series, as whoever has deciphered this message knows that the Bat is significantly less cured than it initially appears. However, this may have been a smart move by writer Scott Snyder, as the twist only makes you want the sequel all the more.


I like my comics like I like my coffee - in huge, unquestionably unhealthy doses.