10 Comic Secrets Hiding In Plain Sight

9. The Real Dupli-Kate Is In Hiding - Invincible

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Image Comics

Aside from her using her powers for some scandalous purposes, most fans reading Invincible for the first time won't have been all that interested in Dupli-Kate. She seems like a neat character, sure, but also a background character, which only seems all the more true when Rex cheated on Atom Eve with (multiples of) her.

But, as is the case with most background characters in Invincible, Kate's a lot more complex than we initially get to see - and more complicated than we think we'll ever get to see, since she "dies" fairly early on in the series.

Comic deaths are often short lived, though, as issue #46 reveals that the original Kate has been hiding out for a long time, sending her clones in to fight so she'd never die. And, in retrospect, this makes total sense, as - if you were able to infinitely multiply yourself - you probably wouldn't put your original self in danger, just in case.

Indeed, it seems that this twist was planned from the get go, as the version of Kate we see that appears to have the number one on her costume may well have been a seven designed to look juuuuuust enough like a one nobody raised any questions. Oh, the duplicity of Dupli-Kate.


I like my comics like I like my coffee - in huge, unquestionably unhealthy doses.