10 Comics Characters Who Have Defeated Kang The Conqueror

8. Ultron - Secret Wars #4

Kang Deadpool Secret Wars
Marvel Comics

Now, when Doctor Doom says he's running the show, you'd better have a good leg to stand on if you plan on disagreeing or else things, well, they may not go so well for you. Just ask poor Kang.

During the original Secret Wars Maxi-Series, in order to secure their victory against the heroes whom they have been pitted against by the almighty Beyonder, Doctor Doom declares himself to be the leader of the group.

Now, obviously, when you do this, you're going to brush up against some egos. In this case, Kang, who wonders why it should not be HIM who leads the group? Doctor Doom hears his reasons like any good monarch, and then calmly makes the case for his side of the argument, which is: "because I control the evil death robot who can vaporize a bastard in one shot. Observe!" And then orders Ultron to do just that.

With Kang a pile of dust on the ground, the other villains very quickly fall in line behind Doom.


John Tibbetts is a novelist in theory, a Whatculture contributor in practice, and a nerd all around who loves talking about movies, TV, anime, and video games more than he loves breathing. Which might be a problem in the long term, but eh, who can think that far ahead?