10 Comics Fan Theories Rejected By The Creators

7. J. Jonah Jameson Always Knew Peter Parker Was Spider-Man

Joker Gelos Theory
Marvel Comics

The Daily Bugle editor-in-chief, J. Jonah Jameson, writes every editorial about Spider-Man with a negative slant, claiming that any masked superhero is "a menace".

But what if Jameson knows Spider-Man is Peter Parker? Parker always making crappy excuses to leave when there's a criminal nearby. He's clumsy and unreliable and yet, he can get the best pictures of Spidey without fail. Jameson has been in the business for decades so surely he would figure out Parker and Spider-Man are one and the same, right?

Maybe Jameson puts a crooked slant on Spider-Man to spur the hero into action. Every time the wallcrawler is criticised in the papers, Spider-Man doubles down to catch criminals. Spider-Man doesn't realise that Jameson is actually inspiring him to be a better superhero.

It's a nice theory but it doesn't hold water. In one story, Parker got got so sick of Jameson's crusade against Spider-Man, he convinced his boss that his own son, John, was the wallcrawler. Based on Jameson's reaction, he absolutely believed his son was Spider-Man.

When Jameson found out later that Spidey's true identity was Peter Parker, he was hurt and told his friend, Robbie, he felt like he was betrayed by his own child.


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