10 Comics Heroes Who Broke Their Mentor's Rules

9. Kid Marvelman

Robin Batman
Marvel Comics

Kid Marvelman - or Kid Miracleman, depending on if you pick the series up after their names legally had to be altered - is a prime example of how teaching a sidekick a specific set of rules can go very, very wrong.

Much like Shazam, Kid Marvelman is able to transform into an adult superhero whenever he says his hero name. After an attempt is made on his life, the Kid opts out of transforming back into his human self, meaning the young Johnny Bates doesn't age.

Unsurprisingly, this isn't great for his mental state, which becomes increasingly unstable, leading him further and further from the lessons that Marvelman taught him, and further into being a bloodthirsty monster and businessman.

When the Kid gets bad enough that Marvelman is forced to fight him, he reveals one final, awful twist; anytime the hero is about to throw the final punch, Kid Marvelman transforms back into the innocent Johnny Bates, who is significantly less punchable.

After Kid Miracleman manages this trick twice, his former mentor realises that there's only one way to stop all of this, forcing him to snap the neck of the innocent and very traumatised young Bates.


I like my comics like I like my coffee - in huge, unquestionably unhealthy doses.