10 Comics You Must Read Before The Gotham TV Show

2. Gordon€™s Law (1996-97)

Gordon's Law is a four-issue miniseries featuring - you guessed it! - Gordon, who just so happens to lay down the law every now and then. Set firmly in a Gotham watched over by the Bat, Gordon nonetheless shuns the help of the Dark Knight in order to solve a particularly personal case. There are several comic arcs that choose to focus on Gordon instead of Batman, but Gordon's Law is one of the more concise, complete stories. Something like this would make a great multi-episode storyline, and not simply because the mystery makes for compelling drama. Gordon's Law is unoriginal in that it features a healthy dose of corrupt cops and politicians - it's well-known that such positions attract the corrupt in Gotham City. But Gordon's Law features allies, too, and it's one of a surprisingly small handful of Gotham-set stories that features good guys that's aren't costumed vigilantes. Based on the recent casting of the young Penguin and the young Riddler, Gordon's certainly going to need allies.
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Matt is a writer and musician living in Boston. Read his film reviews at http://motionstatereview.wordpress.com.