10 Comics You Must Read Before The Gotham TV Show

10. Year One (1987)

The most obvious source among McKenzie€™s lot is Frank Miller€™s seminal Batman origin tale Year One. Focused as much on James Gordon as on Bruce Wayne, Year One depicts the lengths both men will go to €“ and some they won€™t €“ in order to fight crime in Gotham. A greenhorn as far as €œthe way things work€ is concerned, young Gordon finds Gotham to be a horrible place to raise a family. The politicians are corrupt, the cops are corrupt, and just about everyone seems to want to impede Gordon from doing what he knows is right. There€™s plenty of police station drama here, and characters like Flass will hopefully crop up in the show. Year One features some of the most significant Gordon moments in the history of his character. While the common conception of him is of the grizzled, determined, trenchcoat-wearing commissioner who stands on top of GCPD headquarters flicking the Batsignal on and off, Gordon paid his dues as a detective in his own right. He deals swiftly €“ and awesomely €“ with police corruption in Year One, and it€™s that Gordon we€™re most likely to see in the Gotham series.
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Matt is a writer and musician living in Boston. Read his film reviews at http://motionstatereview.wordpress.com.