10 Comics To Read Before Batman vs Superman Movie

4. The New 52 Justice League (2012)

Written by Geoff Johns, illustrated by Jim Lee. The next two entries aren't suggestions of specific issues or storylines, but rather of ongoing or long-running series that figured out how to fit together all of the life-sized personalities of the most famous members of the DC Universe. This is the major challenge in a film adaptation, and The Avengers managed it very well in the capable hands of Joss Whedon - while certain characters (Hawkeye, Hulk) took a relative backseat, they still enjoyed a good amount of screentime and felt like a part of the team by the end of the movie. The New 52 Justice League is one example of how a film could corral all of these personalities together in a different way than the Marvel formula dictates. The first arc, actually, is pretty similar to the Avengers movie in terms of plot (superheroes don't get along, space threat arrives on Earth, superheroes get along) but the team dynamic us hardly the S.H.I.E.L.D.-mandated, we-fought-side-by-side-so-now-we-respect-each-other pact of Whedon's heroes. How will it influence Batman vs. Superman? Rumor has it that a Justice League film is in the works simultaneously with Batman vs. Superman, but there are enough members of the League (Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman) showing up in the latter film that it will have to take into account how the JLA will operate. Plenty of Justice League comics series could have taken this slot, but the New 52 line is edgy and modernized in a way that would seem to gel with Zack Snyder's Man of Steel.
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Matt is a writer and musician living in Boston. Read his film reviews at http://motionstatereview.wordpress.com.