10 Comics That Made You Answer Impossible Questions

7. Batman: Under The Red Hood - Family Or Justice?

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Warner Bros.

The relationship between Jason Todd and Batman is one that really deserves to still be explored far more than it is, because it's one of the most unusual dynamics in DC history.

The pain the second Robin still clearly experiences at the fact the Joker killed him and his dear old dad Batsy did nothing about it is equal parts tragic and fascinating, as well as perfectly showing the very real cost of Batman's no killing rule, as ultimately this is what comes between the two.

That said, the pair's complex relationship is perhaps not covered often nowadays because the first comic to do so - Under The Red Hood - did it best. Seeing Batman torn between making things right with the child he thought he'd lost forever or staying true to his principles and morals is the kind of stuff you simply cannot physically turn away from.

Though Todd has grown somewhat closer with his old man over the years - or at least tries to kill him less often now - it's hard to argue with his frustration that his mentor and father valued the Joker's life more than getting revenge for the death of his son.


I like my comics like I like my coffee - in huge, unquestionably unhealthy doses.