10 Comics That Made You Answer Impossible Questions

6. Attack On Titan - Become A Monster To Destroy Monsters?

Chew Thumbnail
Wit Studios

Attack on Titan, if nothing else, can be said to provide the most surprising series of plot twists throughout its sordid little history.

Because, as anyone who has ever seen one of the Titans can attest, you are immediately convinced they are monsters from the minute you see them - firstly because they're terrifying, and secondly because dang do they eat a lot of people.

So, when our protagonist Eren uncovers his ability to turn into one of these creatures, it raises a whole lot of questions. Then it's unveiled that many can turn into Titans, and that this ability can be passed down to others by eating whoever has these powers. Oh, and that the Titans are manufactured from humans, and are sent to Paradis Island by those who live on the mainland.

As you can imagine, things get significantly more complicated from here.

Especially for Eren, who infiltrates the mainland only to find his attempted destruction of them brings him no peace - as it only makes him feel like the monster he can turn into.

Devastated by the things he has done for essentially nothing, Eren basically becomes the villain of the story, deciding to try and destroy the world because it's the only way he can think of stopping the eternal war, as all sides consider the other "monsters" just like the Titans.

Given Eren's actions are so justifiable at the outset of the series, you cannot help but find yourself questioning where exactly was the "point of no return" for him in the story - and if you would have done anything different yourself.


I like my comics like I like my coffee - in huge, unquestionably unhealthy doses.