10 Comics That Made You Answer Impossible Questions

3. Watchmen - Would You Do Terrible Things For World Peace?

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DC Comics

One of the most engaging things about all of Watchmen has to be the devilish plot of Ozymandias, as there is still fan debate over thirty years later as to whether it could to some degree be considered justified.

For those who haven't read the comic - or who need a refresher - Ozzy's plan is thus; to set loose a Cthulu-like creation made in a lab, kill off half of New York, and convince everyone that this was an alien invasion, causing humanity to unite against a new extraterrestrial threat.

On one hand, the series is set in the midst of a Cold War that has only gotten worse because of the obvious threat America has in the form of the insanely powerful Doctor Manhattan - and this alien homicide does legitimately create peace where there otherwise may not have been.

However, that doesn't change the fact that it's mass murder, and lying to the general public about who was responsible for said mass murder. And mass murder to prevent an outcome that didn't happen in the real world, and so may very well have not happened in the fictional one - at which point half of New York was vaporised for literally no reason.


I like my comics like I like my coffee - in huge, unquestionably unhealthy doses.