10 Comics That Made You Answer Impossible Questions

2. New Avengers - Destroying Another Universe To Save Your Own

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Marvel Comics

It's fairly common knowledge that the covert superhero group named the Illuminati don't exactly do nice things. They memory wiped Captain America, sent the Hulk into space, and generally have done a whole lot of shady things in their short history.

But nobody was expecting them to literally destroy another world - and yet that's exactly what happened in New Avengers, when our heroes' world became threatened during the Incursions. Aware that the multiverses colliding would destroy their planet, the team tried several methods, before settling on blowing up rival worlds in order to save themselves.

It's an awful act - and addressed as such, especially when the team fight another group of heroes known as the Great Society - but it's one done to try and save countless people, so it's not an outright evil.

However it is especially sobering to know now, historically, some of the most villainous stuff done in Marvel history has also been done by some of the people who are its biggest heroes.


I like my comics like I like my coffee - in huge, unquestionably unhealthy doses.