10 Comics That Mocked The Reader

6. The Unbeatable Squirrel Girl

Deadpool Dunce Hat
Marvel Comics

Squirrel Girl has somehow become the Marmite of the comic world - with comic fans either loving her or despising her depending on how they receive the comedy of her series, The Unbeatable Squirrel Girl.

Really, this all hinges around how willing folks are to accept the affectionate mockery that the comic provides, as despite having a weak-sounding name, Doreen Green is capable of taking out figures like Thanos, Galactus and the entire collected Avengers without breaking a sweat. Crucially, this is always done as a clear joke, cheerfully mocking the importance we place on hugely powerful characters, and the rage that builds when we feel as though they were beaten unfairly.

While this can easily turn divisive amongst those who consider these moments to dampen any kind of action or drama going on, it seems as though Squirrel Girl actively aims to irritate this demographic, and there's something very loveable about that.


I like my comics like I like my coffee - in huge, unquestionably unhealthy doses.