10 Comics That Mocked The Reader

5. All-Star Section Eight

Deadpool Dunce Hat
DC Comics

All-Star Section Eight is a special comic, in the same way your relationship with the parts of your family you don't like is still a 'special relationship'. It bears all the hallmarks of an outright parody, and yet it also features complete canon appearances from Batman, Green Lantern, Wonder Woman, and countless other iconic DC staples.

And not a single character that enters the weird and wild world of the comic escapes unscathed. Be it Batman getting heated with someone trying to ticket his Batmobile, Green Lantern being a diva, or just Etrigan speaking in solely raps, if you have a favourite DC character, chances are they're getting both barrels from the series - and you, by extension, are getting affectionately mocked for your heroic preferences.

And, with the end of the comic suggesting that the whole thing may have been in the team's leader's head, it can also be said that the comic also mocks you for having ever liked the series - so nobody's left out of the ridicule parade.


I like my comics like I like my coffee - in huge, unquestionably unhealthy doses.