10 Comics That Mocked The Reader

3. Watchmen

Deadpool Dunce Hat
DC Comics

If there's one true tragedy in comics, it's that Alan Moore created Watchmen to parody many aspects and tropes of comics that he considered flawed, only for this to be completely ignored by a huge portion of the people who read the series.

Each character is pretty much implicitly designed to mock some beloved comic figure or another, due to Moore initially planning the story around several already existing superheroes, making the series a sort of playful love letter to the comic industry the more you learn about it.

This is especially true with the ever-prominent figure of Rorschach, who Moore himself has stated was supposed to appear as a 'bad example' of what a gritty superhero like Batman or the Punisher would appear like in the real world - making it profoundly unnerving that he became so beloved by countless comic fans.

It's fair to think that Rorschach has some good traits. It's fair to think he means well. But given the intention was to make him deserving of pity, instead of idolisation, it does seem like many missed the point that the series intended to mock thy very type of hero they lionised the most.


I like my comics like I like my coffee - in huge, unquestionably unhealthy doses.