10 Comics That Saved Hated Characters

8. Blue Beetle - Infinite Crisis

Damian Wayne Robin Batman
DC Comics

Infinite Crisis is admittedly less of a redemption of any previous Blue Beetle character, and more a redemption of the figure of Blue Beetle itself. In this case it comes in the form of Jamie Reyes, the third person to take up the mantle.

While Ted Kord is engaging in his time as Blue Beetle - and Daniel Garret's run was long enough that any flaws are forgivable - each provided their own problems in properly exploring the exciting aspects of the superhero alias. Although Kord isn't a hated character as such, it is frustrating that he could have existed as a different superhero in his own right, instead of closing off any potential of a superpowered Blue Beetle for years upon years.

With Jamie, however, both these issues are solved. Reyes is both able to harness the Scarab that is supposed to power the Blue Beetle, while also maintaining intrigue by being pretty much constantly at war with the alien technology and it's own occasionally brutal desires.

As such, his beginning as the hero marks the fulfilment of the ample potential the superhero alias has always had.


I like my comics like I like my coffee - in huge, unquestionably unhealthy doses.