10 Comics That Saved Hated Characters

7. Scott Lang - Ant-Man 2016

Damian Wayne Robin Batman
Marvel Comics

For one of the MCU's film sweethearts, Scott Lang had a less than pleasant beginning character-wise.

Despite starting out as being arguably the most moral Ant-Man thus far - which admittedly didn't take much, given Eric O'Grady starred in the 'Iredeemable Ant-Man' series - it takes some considerable time before Scott can really be considered a superhero, and not just a deadbeat dad who wears a super-suit.

Initially, this distant relationship between father and daughter is played tragically realistically, with Lang dying upon trying to reunite with his teammate Jack of Hearts. In the reboot of the series, however, things are very different, as Scott puts real effort into reconciling his difficult relationship with Cassandra, even turning down a job offer from Tony Stark to live closer to her, and the two begin to build a legitimately healthy familial bond.

It was a bond that was many, many years in the making, but one that got there in the end nonetheless - and that majorly redeemed Lang along the way,


I like my comics like I like my coffee - in huge, unquestionably unhealthy doses.