10 Comics That Turned Out Nothing Like You Expected

3. Battle Royale

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
Viz Media

Having birthed the genre that would eventually pop out the likes of the Hunger Games and Fortnite, it's fair to say that Battle Royale is a pretty big deal.

It's also fair to say you know to expect the worst from the manga in terms of gore and awful deeds, because it's about a bunch of kids being trapped on and island by the government and forced to kill each other until one remains.

Weirdly, though, if you went into the series expecting the most grim, dark look into humanity possible, you'd likely find yourself surprised. Because our protagonists - although deeply traumatised and riddled with survivor's guilt at the end of events - ultimately see the best in people through each other.

Shuya and Noriko, as much as they may appear naive, never lose the ability to understand and empathise with their fellow classmates, even in situations where said classmates are trying to kill them, and this proves surprisingly heartwarming in a series where this should be impossible.

Battle Royale is a series that shows how brutal people can be to one another, but in the end is also one that shows it is human nature to care for one another, which is perhaps not the message you would expect Fortnite's great-grandpappy to bring you.


I like my comics like I like my coffee - in huge, unquestionably unhealthy doses.