10 Comics To Read After Seeing Avengers: Endgame

8. Hawkeye By Matt Fraction & David Aja

Cap Nat Comics
Marvel Comics/David Aja

Fraction and Aja's work on Hawkeye is held in such high regard for a reason, the writing being comedic and heartfelt and the accompanying art complimenting the story wonderfully, as well as simply looking spectacular.

"How does it relate to Endgame though?" I hear you ask. Well, other than the fact that it features Barton, the element of training up a younger Hawkeye is present here in a big way.

Instead of teaching his daughter how to shoot a bow (something which would be rather difficult seeing as Barton doesn't have a daughter in the comics), the hero helps Kate Bishop to improve her skills.

Furthermore, with the upcoming Disney+ show set to feature this duo, reading this now would give you a great basis for the series going in. With how great the dynamic between the pair is, Hawkeye cements itself as an unmissable series.


Lover of film and comics, and (according to a comment on this very website) a pulsating sack of worthless nothing!