10 Comics To Read After Seeing Avengers: Endgame

7. A-Force

Cap Nat Comics
Marvel Comics

You know that bit in Endgame? The one which saw all the women of the MCU join forces to protect little ol' Spidey? Well, minus the goal of protecting of a certain friendly neighbourhood superhero, this book is practically that in the form of a slightly more permanent team.

The team is comprised of both big and small names of the Marvel Universe alike, with She-Hulk and Captain Marvel leading the charge. They're joined by the likes of the X-Men's Dazzler, the Runaway's Nico Minoru and the Inhumans' Medusa to create a fun, varied roster - one which reflects almost every corner of Marvel's vast universe, much like the main Avengers team itself.

Due to how recently this comic released, and the small amount of issues in the series, this book shouldn't be too hard or costly to pick up either, something which is always a plus.

Although A-Force only had a limited run, it makes it a genuinely easy comic to pick up and enjoy. There's no convoluted backstory, and no commitment to pick up several more volumes worth of comics. It's its own thing, and it's brilliant!


Lover of film and comics, and (according to a comment on this very website) a pulsating sack of worthless nothing!