10 Comics To Read After Seeing Avengers: Endgame

5. Ant-Man & The Wasp: Lost And Found

Cap Nat Comics
Marvel Comics

If you want more quantum realm action, then this is probably the best place to find it.

The book features the Ant-Man we know from the MCU, Scott Lang, as well as a Wasp who is a stranger to the big screen, Nadia Pym.

This Wasp is the daughter of Hank, similar to Hope, but other than that the character is completely different, being brought up in the Red Room that trained both the Black Widow and Winter Soldier. She's also a lot younger than Lang, meaning that their relationship is thankfully nowhere near as romantic as in the movies.

With that explanation out of the way, the rest of the book should make sense to anyone, newcomer or not. With the brilliant Mark Waid penning the title, there's fun to be had no matter your comic book knowledge.


Lover of film and comics, and (according to a comment on this very website) a pulsating sack of worthless nothing!