10 Comics Villains Who Legit Reformed (And Never Turned Back)

9. Deadpool - Various Comics

Hawkeye Evil

Having turned to mercenary work after being tortured pretty much endlessly by the facility that was supposed to cure his cancer, it initially seemed as though Deadpool was set out to be a villain for his entire comic run.

Due to healthy mix of fan interest and character potential, though, this ended up being very much not the case. Throughout Deadpool's comic series, he became little by little more moral, evidenced in moments such as him releasing his roommate and semi-prisoner Blind Al, and trying to join the X-Men, even though he was naturally rejected.

Although Wilson still has his share of impulsive or destructive moments, these are notably aimed at villains nowadays, instead of just whoever happens to be in the same room as the mercenary.

Deadpool is still very much an anti-hero as of today, but one who will not hesitate to risk his own regenerating flesh for a hero in need - especially if said hero happens to be Captain America.


I like my comics like I like my coffee - in huge, unquestionably unhealthy doses.