10 Comics Villains Who Legit Reformed (And Never Turned Back)

8. Tomorrow Woman - JLA #5

Hawkeye Evil
Marvel Comics

An android bomb disguised as an addition to the Justice League, Tomorrow Woman manages to provide perhaps the most impressive villain reformation to happen in a single issue of a comic, providing for a surprisingly sympathetic character in the span of literal pages.

Despite being created explicitly to explode and kill the Justice League, Tomorrow refuses to murder the team she's grown to like, instead flying away the minute her detonation code word is spoken.

In her final moments, Tomorrow Woman is asked why she decided to help the League, instead of destroying it as she was programmed to. Her response? An error message, because Professor T.O.Morrow specifically never taught her the word 'freedom'.

Tomorrow Woman would be so beloved for this one heartwrenching comic moment that she would be brought back in Trinity #23, to enjoy a long and morally upstanding life, with minimal further explosions.


I like my comics like I like my coffee - in huge, unquestionably unhealthy doses.