10 Comics You Should Re-Read As An Adult

3. The Killing Joke

Watchmen comics
DC Comics

With the final three, we move on from comics that are better than you remember and comics that are worse, to comics that ARE great, but lots of readers should probably reevaluate what they get out of it. I could put the entire Alan Moore library into one entry, but to keep it streamlined it was kept to this and the last one (you know damn well what #1 is, don't lie).

The Killing Joke is not Alan Moore's best work, by the man's own admission, but it wouldn't have endured for so long if it didn't have its merits. Unfortunately, those merits tend to get overblown by people who read it when they were younger and it blew their damn minds.

The dialogue is superb, the art masterful, and the story iconic, but it doesn't really have much to say beyond "wow, look at these two wack-jobs!" Despite this, though, The Killing Joke is a really great comic. But maybe readers should reevaluate it and ask if this is what they want ALL Batman stories to look and act like.

Much like the next entry...


John Tibbetts is a novelist in theory, a Whatculture contributor in practice, and a nerd all around who loves talking about movies, TV, anime, and video games more than he loves breathing. Which might be a problem in the long term, but eh, who can think that far ahead?