10 Crazy Comic Books Way Better Than They Had Any Right To Be

7. X-Men: Worst X-Man Ever

Superior Spider Man
Marvel Comics

Imagine pitching an X-Men series to Marvel, and imagine that the idea is centred on a character whose only power is to blow up once and die. But also add in that character is useless in a fight and a complete coward, lacking in both a strong moral compass and the spine to go rogue. A character who has absolutely nothing going for him.

Max Bemis and Michael Walsh set out to create a series about the absolute worst X-Man of all time, and succeeded in spades. Baily Hoskins is perhaps the most unfortunate and unlucky sad sack of a mutant ever depicted (which is really an accomplishment) and his story is one of the best X-Men books written in the last decade.

It's the story of a misfit among misfits. It follows the struggles of a painfully average boy with some of the worst luck imaginable as he tries desperately to fit in among extraordinary people - and fails at every turn.

While having a good sense of humour the series also succeeds at being dramatic and even adds its own contributions to the wider Marvel lore. Not only is this series filled with classic X-Men Easter eggs, but it may include the only example of an in-story explanation for Marvel's sliding timescale.


Early Ray Mixon hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.