10 Crazy Facts You Just Have To Accept To Enjoy Sin City
8. Best Hospitals In The State
We say there are a lot of dead bodies in Sin City, but there are just as many bodies that should be dead and yet somehow...aren't. Marv and John Hartigan show the scars of their should've-been-lethal injuries (or at least the latter did, woops, spoilers), but just think about the sheer number of characters throughout the series - and the films, actually - who have cheated death multiple times. Hartigan and Junior end up in hospital during That Yellow Bastard (the latter of whom has lost an ear, hand, and tackle), the teenage son of Commissioner Leibowitz recovers from a broken arm there pretty sharpish, struggling actress Esther survives multiple suicide attempts and an attempted murder, Becky winds up in hospital for a spell. It's a busy place. They've also presumably got some of the best doctors in the country, since they manage to save the lives of everybody who comes through their doors - ie the ones who don't just get dumped in the tar pits. There's no way Marv should be able to still walk around and be such a formidable presence (he probably shouldn't even be able to walk at all), and it seems a bit odd that in a city where every other emergency service is wholly corrupt, the medical types manage to do their jobs properly and piece everyone back together. Also: we guess all of these rough-and-tumble vigilante thug types have some decent health insurance? We guess so. No other explanation. Just accept it.
Tom Baker is the Comics Editor at WhatCulture! He's heard all the Doctor Who jokes, but not many about Randall and Hopkirk. He also blogs at http://communibearsilostate.wordpress.com/