10 Criminally Underrated Super Teams In DC Comics
7. Young Justice

We've all got to start somewhere. That seemed to be the idea behind Young Justice. Launched in 1998 when the Teen Titans were being reformed with an all-new roster, these younger sidekicks and offshoots of existing heroes were far different than their older counterparts.
Young Justice was a rough, unpolished group, originally founded by the third Robin, Time Drake, Superboy, and Impulse. The group eventually added Cassandra Sandsmark's Wonder Girl, Arrowette, and others to the mix.
Young Justice reinvigorated the youth that the Teen Titans had, at that point, all but abandoned. As such, their adventures were able to have high stakes while maintaining a healthy bit of levity.
The group even adopted the under-utilised Red Tornado as a character that became equal parts mentor and nanny to the group, giving them an opportunity to add credibility to the team - while further humanising the android. Powerful, inexperienced and brash, Young Justice brought legitimate fun back to team books that were rapidly embracing the darker tones comics were taking at the time.
To their credit, the Teen Titans were (temporarily) disbanded a couple years later, giving rise to....