10 Daredevil Moments That Shocked The World

3. Karen Gets Aids

Daredevil 191 Roulette
Marvel Comics

It would be genuinely surprising if anyone wasn't shocked by the reveal that Daredevil's love interest, Karen Page, had become HIV positive from her drug use in the Guardian Devil storyline.

While this story would have perhaps been poignant in the crisis surrounding the disease in the 80s, the comic published in 1999, by which point it was less a storyline attempting to raise discussions about AIDS, and more about using it as a dramatic plot point - which naturally made many people feel uncomfortable due to its disingenuous nature.

To add just a sprinkle more shock to the mix, it would later turn out that Mysterio had disguised himself as a doctor and told Karen about her HIV status, meaning that the whole thing was likely fabricated as part of an evil plan in the first place - which somehow feels like going too far even for a supervillain.


I like my comics like I like my coffee - in huge, unquestionably unhealthy doses.