10 DC Alternate Universes You Won’t Believe Exist

8. The 'Tin' Universe - Teen Titans Spotlight #11

Dark Multiverse Knightfall
DC Comics

There's no way to say this without it sounding weird, so let's get things out of the way; Earth-11 is a universe in which Tintin is the last hope of the world, as a ripped warrior who rides a wolf.

Yes, yes the exact Tintin you are thinking of - the ginger kid from the children's comics who goes on wacky antics with his admiral friend. Why has Tintin been brought into DC to be the hero of a dystopian future? It's... profoundly unclear.

While this buff, pony-tailed version of Tintin is completely surreal - especially because, again, he doesn't belong in DC comics - it's also undeniably kind of cool to see a buff adult Tintin shoot a semi-automatic rifle on the back of a mutated wolf.

At the very least, it's safe to say this is one universe that's likely to stay unique for a very long time.


I like my comics like I like my coffee - in huge, unquestionably unhealthy doses.