10 DC Alternate Universes You Won’t Believe Exist

7. The Marvel Crossover Universe - Superman Vs. The Amazing Spider-Man

Dark Multiverse Knightfall
DC Comics/Marvel Comics

Unlike most other alternate universes, Earth-7642 is a unique universe in that it's the main crossover universe for collaborations between DC and Marvel. This means that, whenever you see DC and Marvel characters fighting or just in a comic together, it's likely in this universe, as it's the only one that allows all the roster of both franchises to co-exist.

It's a profoundly clever way of framing these crossovers, as it means that all the superheroes in the main universe can remain blissfully unaware of their rival franchise. Similarly, any fight that happens can still technically be argued to not be entirely accurate, as it's not in the 'canon' universe - meaning that both DC and Marvel can have their characters lose without feeling like they've made their big heroes seem weak.

It's not as hilarious as the werewolf or hippy universe, sure, but seeing two companies that often war with one another work together to make one magical joint universe feels just that little bit special - likely because we'll never see it happen again.


I like my comics like I like my coffee - in huge, unquestionably unhealthy doses.