10 DC Characters Derived From Ancient Myth

7. Hercules

Shazam DC Rebirth
DC Comics

‘Hercules’ is the name of the Roman hero who is himself a derivative of ‘Heracles’ from Greek mythology. DC appropriates the Greek version of the hero, but uses the Roman name just like Marvel. His first appearance is in a Wonder Woman story in 1941, and throughout his DC appearances he is sometimes accompanied by other Olympian characters.

Early depictions of Hercules in DC comics often depart from the tales of his legendary heroism, and show him as a brutish thug. Later versions face off against the hero sometimes said within DC’s comics to be the modern day Hercules himself, Superman.

In Greek mythology Heracles is the well-known son of Zeus, famous for his incredible physical strength.

His name is derived from that of his mother, Hera. The fact that the Greek hero is now often referred to by his Roman analogue’s name ‘Hercules’ (rather than ‘Heracles’) is a modern change brought on by more contemporary depictions.


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