10 DC Characters Derived From Ancient Myth

6. Atlas

Shazam DC Rebirth
DC Comics

The name Atlas is held by several DC characters. The first of these makes his debut in Action Comics #121, published in 1948.

Different writers have used Atlas over the course of DC’s publication history, and one such memorable version is featured by Grant Morrison in All-Star Superman. In this story, alongside Samson, Atlas competes in a battle of strength with Superman, in order to win the affection of Lois Lane.

In Greek mythology Atlas joins his fellow titans in their attempt to overthrow the Olympian gods, this fierce war lasting a decade. The Titans lose to the gods, and are each punished for their actions. Tartarus, the labyrinthine prison as far below the earth as heaven is above it, serves to hold many of them, but for Atlas Zeus devises an alternate punishment.

Atlas is condemned to support the weight of the celestial heavens for all eternity. Many artistic depictions illustrate this by showing Atlas holding a globe or sphere on his back.


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