10 DC Superheroes With Tortured Pasts

9. Raven

DC Trinity Dark
DC Comics

It would be almost impossible to write a list like this and not include Rachel Roth. She is, after all, the spawn of a god-damn demon.

The daughter of Trigon and Angela Roth, Raven's past is unlike any other. It would've been bad enough if all that had happened to her was that she had been torn away from her mother when she was a baby, but that was just the tip of a very dark iceberg.

She has had to live her life with the knowledge that, no matter how she looked at it, she would be the key to bringing about the apocalypse, as she has always been seen as nothing more than a portal to release Trigon on the world.

There were times when her evil has been brought forth in the form of Evil Raven, which meant she would always have this on her conscious, as well as the loss of her mother, who sacrificed herself to save Rachel from the Wildbeest clan.

If it hadn't been for her alliance with the Teen Titans, Raven would've brought about the end of times many years ago.


Jack of all trades, Master of none. The former rocker of the big beard.