10 DC Villains More Powerful Than Superman

4. Krona

DC Comics Krona
DC Comics

Krona was an Oan scientist, but he became something more thanks to his exploration of the universe€™'s origins. Through various experiments and processes, he has enhanced himself to possess massively enhanced physical abilities at a level way beyond those of Superman, vast psionic powers (including telepathy and telekinesis), various energy-based powers and has made himself virtual immortal.

He has the power to destroy universes. More recently, he was revealed as the antagonist in the Brightest Day story arc and he is now the caretaker of the emotional entities which are the pure embodiments of the emotions comprising the Emotional Spectrum (the spectrum that powers each of the coloured Lantern Corps in DC continuity).

As a result, Krona now wields the powers of the entire Emotional Spectrum, making him as powerful as all of the Corps (Green, Yellow, Red, Blue, Indigo, Orange etc) combined. When you bear in mind that one Green Lantern can give Superman a decent fight, that basically bills Krona as a huge threat.

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