10 DC Villains More Powerful Than Superman

5. Mister Mxyzptlk

Mister Mxyzptlk
DC Comics

Although Mister Mxyzptlk isn't strictly a villain as such, he is certainly an antagonist, and one who boasted almost unequalled levels of power.

Mxy is a mischievous Imp from the Fifth Dimension - a dimension where normal physics simply don't apply - and, as such, he can effectively use his powers to create almost any effect (think of him as a genie without the limitations of having to rely on wishes to make things happen).

He enjoys making a nuisance of himself to Superman - who can only defeat him by tricking him in to saying his name backwards - and there's nothing Superman can physically do about it.

The Imp can warp reality on a universal scale and can even create universes from scratch. A beating from Superman would result in Mxy laughing and turning Superman in to a lump of cheese with a thought. If he was truly evil, he would be a threat to the entire DC multiverse.

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