10 Deadliest Enemies The Flash Ever Faced
1. Reverse-Flash (Eobard Thawne)

One of the fastest speedsters in the DC Universe and the Flash's greatest rival; the Reverse-Flash is the deadliest of all the Fastest Man Alive's foes.
With a personal history intertwined with Barry Allen's, Eobard Thawne first appeared in the comics as 'Professor Zoom' in 1963's The Flash #139.
Having used his superspeed, genius-level intellect, time-travel, and ability to create copies to murder countless characters and torment the Flash, it's no surprise that Thawne appears at the top of this list.
Originally a Flash-obsessed scientist from the 25th Century, the jealous Thawne managed to replicate Barry Allen's powers and travel back in time. He began his quest to disrupt and cause chaos along the Flash's timeline, including killing Barry Allen's mother, and eventually his wife Iris.
Other victims to fall to the vibrating hand of the Reverse-Flash include fellow speedsters Johnny Quick and Godspeed, along with his own family, and he even attempted to kill the Flash's future children. With many more characters killed and resurrected in different timelines, it's clear that Thawne knows how to create carnage.
Constantly displaced from history through his constant changes to the timeline, Thawne exists to be a thorn in the Flash family's side.
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