10 Deadliest Supervillain Teams

6. Injustice League

The Cabal
DC Comics

Any list about major supervillain teams that doesn't include the Injustice League may as well have a gaping hole in the middle of it, because this team is basically the trade union of DC's supervillain world.

The Injustice League has long recruited the lion's share of the universe's most powerful and influential villains, and had them team up to provide threats that even the Justice League have occasionally needed extra help with.

It's a staple of the DC universe, having also appeared in the TV show Smallville and the ever-beloved Lego Batman game. It's almost a right of passage for a supervillain who has gained notoriety to join the Injustice League, and there's something bizarrely wonderful about that - almost like the team is the official who's who of bad guys.

Unfortunately, the team hasn't been used since Lex Luthor became a hero in the 2014 Justice League comic, but we can always hold out hope that one of DC's most impressive and deadly villain teams will return sometime soon.


I like my comics like I like my coffee - in huge, unquestionably unhealthy doses.