10 Deadliest Supervillain Teams

7. Legion Of Doom

The Cabal
DC Comics

Easily confused for a wrestling team of the same name, the Legion of Doom started out as a team that wasn't all that intimidating, as the likes of Killer Frost and Gorilla Grodd were - at the time - pretty domesticated as far as evil characters went.

Then suddenly, the original team was replaced with Lex Luthor, the Joker, Sinestro and many other legitimately terrifying villains instead, suddenly bumping the group's status from "vaguely threatening" to "will definitely end the world at some point in their comic run".

Given that each individual member of the Legion of Doom could total a planet in about a week of semi-intense villain work, it goes almost without saying that the Legion of Doom is one of the deadliest supervillain groups to date - even if they are often as likely to kill one another as the heroes they oppose.


I like my comics like I like my coffee - in huge, unquestionably unhealthy doses.