10 Disturbing Spider-Man Villains

8. Doppelgänger

The Thousand Spider-Man
Marvel Comics

Spider-Man's bizarre clone Doppelgänger is an unnerving creature for two reasons.

Firstly, by all means Doppelgänger should be dead - as not only should he have died with the other spider clones at the end of Infinity War, but he was also killed by the Hobgoblin and then brought back to life by the Demogoblin, which is exactly as complicated and exactly as weird as that chain of words suggests.

So, not only is Doppelgänger kind of a zombie, but he's also one that seems single-mindedly focused on doing evil whenever he can, helping summoning the symbiote equivalent of the devil, remorselessly killing, and doing anything else he can to maximise his villainous portfolio.

Add to this the fact that the 8-limbed terror cannot speak but only hiss and click, and he's pretty much the poster body for the spooky enemies that Spider-Man faces on the daily - especially since he looks like Spidey's evil twin, sans the moustache.


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