10 Disturbing Spider-Man Villains

9. Los Lobos

The Thousand Spider-Man
Marvel Comics

As anyone who has taken some Spanish course at some time in their life likely knows, Los Lobos translates to 'The Wolves'.

Or, in this case, werewolves, as the title belongs to a team of villainous lycanthropes, also known as the Lobo Cartel. While the Cartel wouldn't usually be unnerving - after all, Spider-Man has taken on things worse than a couple of anthropomorphic dogs - Los Lobos are involved largely in human and drug trafficking, which has some absolutely nightmarish implications.

Because the idea of a kidnapper who suddenly turns into a hulking, drooling monster when you try and escape is something straight out of a horror film - only slightly better, because you have a slim chance that Spider-Man will realise what's up and come to your aid.


I like my comics like I like my coffee - in huge, unquestionably unhealthy doses.