10 Dumbest Decisions Marvel Heroes Have Ever Made
1. Spider-Man Reveals His Identity

Most superheroes keep their identity a secret to prevent supervillains from hurting their loved ones. Since Green Goblin murdered Spider-Man's lover, Gwen Stacy, shortly after discovering the wallcrawler's real name, nobody knows the important of secret identities more than Peter Parker.
Peter has lost friends, partners, and jobs, trying to maintain his Spider-Man persona. He has been on the receiving end of countless misunderstandings because people mistake his excuses for laziness and ineptitude. As frustrating as this is, Spider-Man believed his life would be far more dangerous if people knew who he really was.
But all that went out the window during Civil War. When the US government prepared to criminalise non-sanctioned vigilantism, heroes like Captain America, Luke Cage, and Falcon refused to agree to the terms, saying it was oppressive.
Not only did Tony Stark convince Spider-Man that the new law was a good thing, he urged him to unmask on live-television as a sign of good faith. The same day that Peter unmasked, a fanatic tried to shoot him dead... and he still thought his decision was a good idea! Only after a hitman shot Aunt May and Stark tried to arrest Peter did he realise he made a mistake.