10 Essential Suicide Squad Stories
9. New Suicide Squad: Kill Anything (2016)

Tim Seeley pulled a fantastic story out of the remains of the New 52's Suicide Squad series with this particular arc. The art by Juan Ferreyra beautifully captures the anguish and pain that characters feel on these missions, but it also deftly depicts their gorgeous landscapes.
In short, this creative team perfectly elevated the main Suicide Squad comic before Rebirth came along and reinvented the DC Universe yet again.
Harley Quinn has managed to find a way to break out of Belle Reve with Deadshot, Cheetah and Diablo quickly following her to freedom. After faking their deaths, the rag-tag team are free from Amanda Waller's oppressive thumb before realising they've made a massive mistake.
To make their escape, the team made a deal with a death cult. Now that cult wants their payment in blood. Not wanting to pay the cult's price, the squad is forced to retreat to Waller for help.
Stuck between a rock and a hard place perfectly sums up the New Suicide Squad's fourth and final volume. Seeley and Ferreyra work perfectly together to tell a story that's brilliant to read from start to end.
If you're planning on reading any of the New 52's Suicide Squad comics, make it this one.