10 Famous Comic Panels Recreated For Real

6. Batman's Spine Is Broken

Killing Joke Cosplay
Warner Bros./DC Comics

When Bane was revealed to be the villain in The Dark Knight Rises, comic fans had a fairly decent idea what would be going down. Although nobody could have predicted Tom Hardy's Bane voice, we could predict what plot would be inspiring the series - namely, the seminal comic work known as Knightfall.

Knightfall is undeniably the comic that made Bane a famous figure, as it details him successfully managing to beat the Bat (temporarily) through a mixture of clever planning and the fact the guy is built like a monument to bodybuilding.

The comic is iconic for being the first time we'd ever really seen Bruce be outdone, as - in the most well known moment of DC history - Bane would break the hero's spine over his outstretched knee.

Naturally, as such a crucial part of the plot, it of course snuck its way into The Dark Knight Rises. Well, as much as a man built like two tanks strapped together breaking someone's spine can be considered to be "sneaking", anyways.

It may seem weird to be excited to see your favourite superhero go through one of the most painful experiences of their life, but it's such a interesting moment for both hero and villain that you can't help but be bizarrely excited to see it on the big screen.


I like my comics like I like my coffee - in huge, unquestionably unhealthy doses.