10 Famous Comic Panels Recreated For Real

7. Thanos' Scarecrow

Killing Joke Cosplay
Marvel Comics/ Marvel Studios

Now, it's undeniably weird to be kind of hype that Endgame featured a scarecrow with Thanos' armour on it, but it's also for good reason.

While the snap is obviously a far more famous moment that was replicated in the MCU, it was sure to be included, because it was necessary for the storyline the Infinity War and Endgame was going for - after all, half of the emotional punch of the films comes from seeing half the cast turn to dust at the end of Infinity War.

Whereas this plucky scarecrow isn't necessary, but rather just an unforgettable image from the Infinity Gauntlet saga. It's an image that works on two levels; firstly in that it shows the incompatibility of Thanos' idea of improving the world through mass murder, and secondly in that it shows the semi-unbelievable image of a villain who has just quit to become a farmer.

Though many will have been more focused on the fact that Thanos gets his head cut off approximately five minutes after we see this, it's still a nice extra detail.


I like my comics like I like my coffee - in huge, unquestionably unhealthy doses.