10 Fantastic Four Comics You Must Read Before You Die

7. Unthinkable

Marvel Comics

Brought to life by Mark Waid, Mike Wieringo, and Casey Jones, Unthinkable looks at what happens when Doctor Doom makes a deal with three demons to take Franklin to Hell, and turn Valeria into Doom's familiar.

Considering how many times Reed and Sue manage to 'misplace' their children it's amazing that child services haven't become involved yet, but it always makes for great storytelling when handled correctly, and this is no exception.

Throw into this mix the seemingly never-ending struggle between Richards and Victor, each of them both sure that their standpoint on science vs magic is the right one - as well as a guest appearance from on Doctor Strange - and Unthinkable is well worth its placement in the Marvel catalog as one of the more important books of recent times.

Having to go into the fiery pits, not just to save one child but both from the demon's spell, the Fantastic Four win the day, sending Doom to his... well, doom, in place of their firstborn.

But Victor being Victor, he doesn't go down without one final defiant gesture, lashing out in this anger and scarring Reed's face as he starts to burn.


Jack of all trades, Master of none. The former rocker of the big beard.