10 Female DC Superheroes Who Deserve Their Own Solo Movie

6. Miss Martian

Deathstroke Ravager
DC Comics

If DC ever planned on creating a sci-fi superhero movie, then Miss Martian would make an ideal lead.

There are a few routes that could be taken. The film could be set solely on Mars and focus on the civil war between the Green Martins and White Martians. As a White Martian, M’Gann M’orzz was labelled an outcast among her people and sent away to another galaxy.

Alternatively, a Miss Martian film could concentrate on her landing on Earth and adjusting to life. In this scenario, Martin Manhunter might already have been established as her guardian and have crash landed on Earth several years before.

The film could follow in the vein of Shazam, which combined comedy with teenage themes. Imagine M’Gann going to high school and learning how to use her shapeshifting abilities to fit in. There’s a lot of potential for a feel-good movie with a message of learning to accept yourself for who you are.


A published short story writer and owner of thecomicvault.wordpress.com, Jamie Ryder spends his time creating fantasy worlds and rambling about pop culture.