10 Funniest Comic Advertisements
5. Superman Krypto Raygun
Is a Superman ray gun kind of an expected comic advert? Of course. Is the fact it’s marketed like you could actually kill someone with it creepy as heck? Also of course.
But the weirdest part of all this is, of course, that Superman does actually use a raygun – all of once, in Action Comics #32, using it to take pictures (it’s a long story). While it’s not entirely unusual for comic merch to be based on a sole comic – take the amount of Infinity Gauntlets sold since Infinity War came out – selling something based on a regular comic issue seems a little unusual.
Thinking about the amount of parents that were scandalised by Superman apparently having a trusty weapon is also one of the funnier potential misconceptions. Somewhere out there is a person who thinks Superman is basically the Punisher, and if that doesn’t make life a little more beautiful, nothing will.